CAPA Bursaries
When possible, CAPA provides tuition assistance in the form of a bursary for families who demonstrate financial need. Tuition assistance provides support for children with specialized learning needs to attend Calgary Academy or another private, independent school.
Bursary Information
Families who receive bursaries are required to volunteer at bingo events each month as well as at the occasional casino. The volunteer fiscal calendar is July 1st through June 30th of the year. Each month families are required to accumulate a minimum number of volunteer event credits as determined by a formula voted upon by the CAPA Executive. The credit formula is determined on an annual basis but may change throughout the year based on extenuating circumstances. A credit will be added to the family’s account for every volunteer event (e.g., bingo, casino, other) a family member or designated helper(s) works. The commitment towards bingo/casino events is dependent on the bursary dollar amount received.
Criteria for Bursary:
- A child with specialized learning needs as determined in a psycho-educational assessment. More information regarding specialized learning needs and specialized education coding can be found on the Alberta Education website.
- Financial need as determined in the bursary application process.
Please note: The child’s parent(s) or guardian(s) are required to provide a copy of their current T4 and Notice of Assessment (NOA) and a recent pay statement to support your application.
Bursary Application Details
- Only 1 application per child per household is required–two applications for 1 child living between 2 households is NOT required.
- A separate application is required for each child. If you are applying for more than 1 child, each child requires an application.
- Submission is completed electronically. DO NOT mail in your application as we operate in a virtual working environment. If you cannot submit your application electronically, please email the CAPA Bursary Coordinator to discuss alternative options.
Email: bursary@calgaryacademy.com
The maximum bursary requests for a child attending Calgary Academy (CA) are:
- 90% for a child in the CA Academy stream,
- 65% for an existing CA student transitioning from the Academy stream to the Collegiate stream,
- 50% for any new students in Collegiate or Blended+ streams
Please note: The Bursary Application deadline for the 2024-2025 calendar year to CAPA is March 14, 2025.
2025-2026 applications will open December 2024.
Families will be notified in June if their bursary application has been successful. Successful families will be emailed a contract disclosing their bursary details, including the dollar amount of their bursary and expected monthly volunteer commitment. Upon signing and return of the contract to CAPA, the school will be notified of the bursary amount for deduction from the child’s tuition for the upcoming school year.
CAPA Bursary Application
Apply for the 2024-2025 school year before March 14, 2025 by downloading the application here.

Additional support for students applying to Calgary Academy
We are proud to collaborate with The Prosser Charitable Foundation, a foundation that provides bursaries towards tuition costs for children of low-income families to attend private, independent schools. Please visit the Foundation’s website for more details on their Parent’s Choice Bursary and speak with the CAPA Bursary Coordinator for application instructions. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT CALGARY ACADEMY SUPPORT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Email: bursary@calgaryacademy.com.
Please note: The deadline for submission of The Prosser Charitable Foundation Bursary application is March 2025.
Families will be notified in June if their bursary application has been successful. Details of the bursary amount and the expected monthly volunteer commitment will be disclosed. Parents will receive and sign a document that outlines the bursary details. Finally, CAPA will notify the school of the bursary amount, which will be deducted from the child’s tuition for the upcoming school year.
The Prosser Charitable Foundation
Bursary Application
Check here in early 2025 for more information.